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Emergency Fire Damage CLean Up near you

When dealing with fire and smoke damage, it's important to understand that the effects can be far-reaching and not just limited to the visible damage. Fires and smoke can cause significant damage to homes, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Smoke and soot can seep into every crevice and surface, leaving behind a lingering odor and discoloration. Structural damage from the flames and water damage from firefighting efforts can also add to the complexity of the restoration process.

Looking for a professional fire cleanup company? Dial (916) 794-0893 or contact us online today!

restoration expert inspecting kitchen with fire and smoke damage in Sacramento

SACRAMENTO Fire Damage Clean Up

Our professional first response fire restoration services can help you navigate the complex process of restoring your home and getting your life back to normal. The experts at ServiceMaster have the necessary knowledge, tools, and equipment to assess the damage properly, create a plan of action, and execute the restoration process of your property.

Our restoration process can include:

  • Deodorization

  • Cleaning

  • Sanitizing

  • Rebuilding

Our technicians are well-versed in the latest industry techniques and use only the best materials to ensure a top-notch job.

Smoke and fire damage restoration services provide long-term benefits and peace of mind. By restoring your property to its pre-fire condition, you will be able to enjoy your home again and protect your investment. Our West Sacramento fire restoration company can help to ensure that the restoration process is completed quickly and effectively, so that your property is safe and secure for years to come.

Your Local Fire Restoration Company

At ServiceMaster, our licensed, insured, and highly trained restoration experts help homeowners recover from all sorts of fires, including those from:

  • Cooking

  • Heating appliance malfunctions

  • Electrical hazards

  • Smoking

  • Candles

  • Spontaneous combustion

Why Hire ServiceMaster REstoration

ServiceMaster Restore® has been providing first response fire restoration services with the utmost honesty and understanding for more than 65 years, and this has always been our core value. In order to deliver the best solution, we make an investment in our customer relationships and work closely with them. The professionals at ServiceMaster Restore are available around-the-clock, every day of the year, to complete the task to your satisfaction.

We stand by you. We are aware that a calamity might be an uncertain period. We've been through it all before, so we're delighted to help our customers through these uncertain times by offering support and direction from start to finish and assisting them in finding the best solution for their needs.

Need restoration services in the West Sacramento area? Give our team a call at (916) 794-0893 or contact us online to get help now!

What can be salvaged after a fire?

When a fire destroys a home or business, it can be difficult to know what can be salvaged and what needs to be replaced. However, with proper planning and the help of professionals, there are many items that can still be saved after a fire.

You may be able to save valuable items such as jewelry or documents if they are stored in safes or other containers made from metal alloys such as steel or titanium. Similarly, electronics like computers, TVs, and gaming systems should also remain unscathed provided they were not directly exposed to flames for an extended period of time.

These devices will need professional cleaning before being used again however as the smoke residue is highly corrosive when left unchecked over time.

Moreover, furniture made of hardwood, such as tables, chairs, and dressers, may still retain their structural integrity, even if their surfaces have been charred by heat during the incident.

Carpets on the other hand usually cannot withstand direct contact with a flame so these will most likely need replacing entirely unless only minor portions were affected by smoke damage. The same goes for fabrics, curtains, and upholstery which are often irreparably damaged beyond repair during fires.

Some appliances could potentially work if they are cleaned properly by certified technicians who specialize in this type of work, such as ovens, stoves, microwaves, dishwashers, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, and HVAC systems.

Keep in mind that any wiring inside them would have been compromised so caution must always be taken when dealing with electrical components post-fire clean-up efforts!

Can I Stay Home During the Restoration Process?

During the fire damage restoration process, it is typically not advisable to stay at home. This is due to several safety and health risks that arise. Firstly, the structure of the property may be compromised, posing a potential risk of collapse. Secondly, the presence of smoke and soot can lead to respiratory issues, particularly in individuals with asthma or other respiratory conditions. Lastly, the process of restoration itself can involve the use of chemicals and equipment that may be hazardous. Our team can offer our recommendations on whether you can stay in a different area of your home during the restoration process as well as provide a timeline on how long the service will take.

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